Mylestone Counseling
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Community Outreach

Mylestone Counseling provides FREE workshops to the community throughout the year. These workshops are conducted to provide personal development, mental health awareness and target the needs of the community. 

I am certified to provide Continuing Education Units for counselors, social workers and other helping professionals. Please call my office for details in conducting a  workshop for you or your group.


Book Dr. Myles McGinty for a Speaking Engagement

As a public service, Dr. Myles McGinty regularly speaks to various schools, businesses, and organizations throughout Houston. She is a qualified and experienced public speaker.  She is available to cover a variety of topics.



●Crisis Intervention
●Domestic Violence
Marriage Enrichment
●Peer Pressure
●Running Away
●Sexual Assault/Rape
●Study Skills



●High School & Junior High Students
●College Students
●Youth Groups
●Life Groups




To request Dr. Myles McGinty to speak at your next engagement, please contact the office.


Mylestone CounselingAbout the TherapistCounseling ServicesClient FormsSchedule AppointmentsRates & PaymentsCommunity OutreachContact UsInternship OpportunitiesFAQ'sCounselor Evaluation